In nano-scale, the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi) and dark field images ( dfi). 纳观尺度上的tem明场像和暗场像表明接头界面存在扩散分层现象。
Application of dark field microscope in ophthalmological researches 暗视野显微镜在眼科实验研究中的应用
The spirals are not readily seen unless immunofluorescent stain or dark field illumination is employed. 螺旋体不易观察除非在荧光显微镜或暗视野显微镜观察。
Detecting Fingerprint by Spectral Imaging Combined with Dark Field Lighting 光谱成像技术和暗视场配光结合显现潜指印初探
Single Molecule Spectral Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles and Gold Nanorods Using Dark Field Microscopy 单个金纳米颗粒和金纳米棒的暗场光谱成像研究
The size of Al particles is measured by dark field technology of electron microscopy in combination with TV image analysis and an empirical formula for the relation between particle size and growth time is derived. 用TEM暗场法并结合TV图像分析测得了AI粒子的粒径,并导出了粒径和生长时间的经验公式。
The bitelecentric lens, control and compensation of temperature and atmosphere pressure, high resolution imagery and dark field TTL alignment in the system are also described. 物镜具有双远心和有温度气压控制补偿,在满足高精度成像的同时,又能同时满足暗场同轴对准的特点。
TEM Bright and Dark Field Exchange Observation in the Study of Cellular Ultrastructure 透射电镜明暗场细胞超微结构的互换观察
Three experimental techniques were used: the simple optical probing, the dark field imaging and the visualization of inverse phase velocity surfaces. 所采用的实验方法有简单光探针技术,暗场法以及倒速度图显示等三种。
Weak Beam Dark Field Technique and Its Applications in Material Science 弱束暗场技术及其应用
Design of Annular Lens Dark Field Vertical Illumination System and Its Focal Distance Offset Characteristics 环形透镜暗场落射照明系统设计及其焦移特性的研究
Applying the electron-diffractive mode of transmission electron microscope ( TEM), an objective aperture with a proper diameter was used to select the diffractive area of non-crystal SiO_2 for taking the dark field images of SiO_2-cladding nano-CaCO_3, produced by the sol-gel method. 在透射电子显微镜(TEM)电子衍射模式下,用适当孔径的物镜光阑选择非晶态SiO2的衍射区域,拍摄以溶胶-凝胶法制备的SiO2包覆纳米CaCO3的暗场像。
Dark field imaging of nucleic acid molecules the formation of image of phased object in dark field 核酸分子的暗场成象位相物体的暗场成像
A dark field method was used in experiment to observe the focusing of SAW field optically. 在实验中可以用光学暗场法来观察声表面波场的会聚。
Multiple dark field image can readily be used in revealing the relation between dif-fraction pattern and bright-and dark-field images. 多重暗场象可以快速揭示衍射花样同明场和暗场象之间的关系。
There is no golden standard in the diagnosis of congenital syphilis. 19S IgM FTA ABS and dark field microscopy test should be taken; 3诊断新生儿先天梅毒缺乏金标准,应大力开展19S-IgM-FTA-ABS及暗视野显微镜检查;
From several dark field diagrams taken from Bejing Observatory, it is found that the electric dark current at some pixels has a variation of direct proportion with accumulation time. 从多幅暗场图的拍摄发现,除了某些象素的暗流值,有随积分时间成正比例的变化之外;
A lot of submicro copper particles give a golden scattering light with slight pink hue in the dark field of optical microscope and a greyish red colour in visual observation. 无数的亚显微铜粒在暗场显微镜下呈金黄色散射并略带微红色调,肉眼观察则呈灰红色。
Compared with the dark field image of the non-cladding nano-CaCO_3, a white halo could be observed around the SiO_2-cladding nanoCaCO_3, thus a dark field photo of the SiO_2-cladding layer was obtained. 与未经包覆SiO2的纳米CaCO3的暗场像作对比,可以看出经过SiO2包覆的纳米CaCO3粒子周围有一白色亮环,从而得到SiO2包覆层的暗场照片。
Tonic accommodation was measured under dark field conditions using a Polarized Vernier Optometer. 在完全黑暗的环境下,用偏振光游标式调节检测仪对受试者进行张力性调节的测量,比较迟发性近视、早发性近视和正视眼的张力性调节的差异。
This paper presents a method of easily realizing the formation of image of phased object in dark field and gives its experimental results. 本文介绍一种便于实现的位相物体暗场成像方法,并给出了实验结果。
Generally, these microscopes are equipped with bright field, dark field, polarized light, and differential interference contrast ( DIC) illumination. 一般均装备有明视场、暗视场、偏振光、DIC等常用的照明方式。
Multiple Dark Field Imaging and Multi-Beam Imaging Techniques 多重暗场象和多束象成象技术
Comparison of bright-field alignment with dark-field alignment 明场和暗场光学对准比较研究
A multi-beam bright field and two beam dark field electron microscope technique were applied to the determination of the Burgers vectors of dislocation. 采用多束明场及双束暗场技术,测定了位错的Burgers矢量。
UV-vis-NIR. extinction spectra, dark field light scattering imaging and single particle spectra were used to investigate the dependence of surface plasmon resonance scattering on crystal size and morphology. 通过UV-vis-NIR消光光谱、暗场散射成像及单颗粒散射光谱研究了形态、尺寸对其表面等离子体共振性质的影响。
In addition, we provide a special dark field tool scan metal bridge defect method base on the dark field tool special configuration. 另外,我们结合一种特殊的暗场扫描机台的特点提出了其用于扫描金属蚀刻后缺陷的方案。
Base on analysis, because scatter signal of defect which is during metal line will be blocked by metal line, it is supposed that dark field tool will have less sensitivity about the defect after metal etched. 根据分析,金属线间的缺陷的散射信号有可能会被金属线阻挡而使得探测器无法探测到,因此我们推测暗场扫描机台对金属蚀刻后的缺陷灵敏度不高。
Silicone oil emulsion particles appeared similar number by dark field microscopy after two weeks. 2周后显微镜下观察出现乳化硅油颗粒,且数目相近。
But because scatter signal of particle that is on the flat film is very strong, it is supposed that dark field tool will have more sensitivity about the defect after metal film deposition. 但是由于颗粒在平面上的散射信号相对于背景很强,我们推测暗场扫描机台对于金属淀积后的颗粒缺陷灵敏度很高。